Server/Cook Training

On the appropriate day of cook or server training, walk yourself through the reading assignments for that day. When you encounter a Certification of Training link, click it to sign off and return here.


Cook Training

Server Training


(1) Read  Cook Training

(2) Read then practice Egg Flipping

(1) Read  10-Steps of Customer Service

(2) Read  Server Training

(3) Read  Server Duties Tablet


(1) Practice Egg flipping today.

(2) Read  Food Safety Training

(1) Read SCR (Shift Cash Reconciliation Form)

(2) Read Workplace Integrity Standards

(3) Read  Tips Handling


(1) Practice Egg flipping today.

(2) Read about  Prep Work

(3) Read each item on Cook Duties Tablet

(4) Read and test Carryout Packaging

(1) Read  Customer | Noncustomer Disturbance Policy

(2) Read  Working Alone

(3) Read  No Refusing Service

(4) Read  Working the Bar Rush (3rd Shift)

(5) Read  Extra Time on the Clock


(1) Practice Egg flipping today.

(2) Read  Dishes

(3) Read  End of Shift


Practice your skills, including egg flipping!


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