Server Training Basics

Beside the 10 Steps of Customer Service, what else is there to being a Server?

Server Basics

Greet every customer the moment the door opens! While this goes back to step 1 of the10-steps, it's worth emphasizing again. Why? It lets customers know they've been seen, and gives them hope they will receive service quickly. Even when the store is super busy, don't work with blinders on as though you didn't see the new customer! Look up and greet, and point out a seat, or indicate where and when a seat may become available.

Nice Words

Talking nicely and using good language shows respect. Use these standard phrases with customers.

No "Sweetie, Honey, Hun, or Dear"

Unless it's your significant other, children, parents, friends, -- not a stranger at the table, never utter these mushy terms of endearment. Customers don't like it, and some are actually offended by it. What should you use? Nothing, or sir, or mam, or their name, if you know it.

Service with a Smile

Ten Steps of Customer Service