Tips are the property of the employees who earn the tips. However the company has established rules for the collection, storage, and handling of tips as follows.
The cash tips left by customers are pooled together and shared equally by the number of servers/cooks on duty. This pooling arrangement is because of the openness of our operation, and the cross-training, and cross-service where servers and cooks work as a team to take orders, prepare food, collect payment, do shift duties, and dishes.
1) Every tip must go immediately into the tip pool container upon collection.
2) Even if a customer says "this tip is only for you", simply say "thank you" and after the customer is not looking, deposit the tip in the container.
3) Tips must be carried in the hand in plain open view - never in your pocket.
4) The tips remain in the container throughout the shift.
1) Tips are split equally as follows and at these times:
2) at least two individuals will do the splitting (or by one person with mutual agreement by the others).
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