Counter |
Fill it full
12 & 20 oz Styros
A couple of sleeves of each is enough.
32 oz Pepsi Cups
About 10 cups and lids
Hot and Cold Beverage Lids
1 sleeve each
Coffee Packs
A dozen regular coffee; a couple of decaf |
Coffee Grounds into Filters
Don't make ahead, it gets stale.
Hot Chocolate & Cappuccino |
Check and if low, grab a bag and fill it. |
Soup Station
8 & 12 oz Soup Cups
Add more to the dispenser
Foam Lids
1 sleeve
Quart Soup Containers & Lids
1 sleeve each
Plastic Spoons
#6 & #12 Bags
Adequate stack
Crackers in little container
Crackers in box |
Let the big box go empty before getting a new one else
will get stale. |
Counter Shelves
Jelly Bin |
A tray or two of each flavor
Ketchup Bottles (on the shelf) |
6 bottles
Mustard Bottles (on the shelf) |
3 bottles
Sugar Pitcher |
Top it off
Sugar Twin, Diet Syrup, Honey, Peanut Butter |
Check levels, fill as needed
Salt & Pepper Packets |
Fill as needed
Salt & Pepper "Shakers"
5 each
Nice stack
POS Receipt Paper |
4 pack
1 bin
Juices: Tomato, Apple, Cranberry
1 bottle in use, plus 1 extra of each
Chocolate Milk
1 in use
White Milk
1 in use plus 1 extra
Whipped Cream |
1 in use
Root Beer |
8-10 bottles |
Pies & Cakes |
2 of ea. Date label 7 days later as you put
pieces out. |
Lemon Wedges
8 oz soup cup full
Table Setups
Jelly Caddies, Sugars, Creamers |
Fill to the top
Salt & Pepper Shakers |
Replace when empty
Ketchups & Mustards |
If low, put into kitchen, and put out new
Menus |
Make sure 2 per setup holder. Let manager know if need