
Image of Chili Pot


Part 1 - Make the Chili Base

Image of Gallon Measure Open package of thawed chili meat. Locate small package of suet, spread it around bottom of pot. Place meat into pot. Fry meat over medium-high flame. While meat is frying, continually chop and stir with large spoon until meat is completely cooked through, all finely crumbled and cooking in it's own juices. No large chunks of meat! Add one exact gallon of cold water.

Part 2 - Cook the Chili

  • 1 Chili Base (per instructions above)
  • 1 full bottle of ketchup
  • 1 bag chili spaghetti
  • 1 bag chili spices
  • 6 shakes Tabasco sauce (shakes not drops)
  • 1 can red beans with liquid

To the chili base, add the above ingredients except the red beans. Bring to a boil over medium flame, then turn flame down and simmer for ONE HOUR! Set kitchen timer. DO NOT STIR DURING THE HOUR.

When the timer rings, add the red beans and juice. Stir fully. Turn flame to med-low and bring back to slow boil. Stir every 10 minutes until chili comes to a slow boil or temperature rises to 165 degrees.

Pour into a clean large soup tureen. Pour the remaining chili from out front to the top off the new batch. Put out front for serving.